Chairman’s Message: May 6, 2022

Good morning, 
Please see the information below for upcoming LCRC events. 
Events: Event: LCRC Spring Election Rally Date: Thursday, May 12, 7:00pm-8:00pm Location: Lincoln Republican Club Social Hall, Lebanon The LCRC election rally will be held on Thursday, May 12. All election day materials, signs, etc. will be distributed that evening for election day operations. The LCRC has invited a delegation from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany as our guests for the evening. The German delegation is visiting locations in central Pennsylvania and all LCRC members are welcome to meet our guests. 

Event: Lebanon County Police Week Date: Tuesday, May 17, 10:00am-11:00am Location: Lebanon County Courthouse Details: See link below A memorial service is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 at the Lebanon County Courthouse at 10am to honor all Lebanon County Law Enforcement Officers who have fallen in the line of duty. The memorial service will be honoring Lt. William Lebo and Dave Arnold in addition to several other local law enforcement officers. All members of the public are invited to attend this event. Please also review the link below if you would like to purchase a t-shirt of sweatshirt to assist with the establishment of the William D. Lebo Memorial Fund.

Volunteering Opportunities:
Event: Lebanon County Young Republicans Canvassing Operations Date: Saturday, May 7, 9:00am-12:00pm Location: Country Meadows Restaurant, Elizabethtown The Lebanon County Young Republicans will be conducting canvassing operations in East and West Donegal Townships for Faith Bucks, 98th PA House candidate.  Breakfast will be provided for all volunteers prior to canvassing operations. No RSVP is needed to attend. 


Please see the key dates below for the 2022 Primary Election Cycle.

Respectfully submitted,
Edward W. Lynch Jr. 
Lebanon County Republican Committee