Contribute Securely Online
Please use the secure form below.
Contribute By Mail
Click here for a form you'll need to fill out and submit with your contribution by mail. Filling out this form completely will make it possible for us to comply with government regulations for reporting LCRC financial activities.
Cash Contributions
Cash contributions can be accepted, but there are a few legal stipulations:
- anonymous contributions are prohibited, and must be turned over to the state
- cash contributions over $100.00 are prohibited
- cash contributions over $50.00 must be accompanied by a completed copy of this form. Filling out this form completely will make it possible for us to comply with government regulations for reporting campaign activities.
Sending cash via US mail is not recommended.
Mandated Notice
Political committees are required to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer information for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200.00 in a calendar year. We choose to collect this information for all contributions in order to ease compliance. The IRS requires us to print "contributions are not tax-deductible" on all fundraising appeals. The Pennsylvania Election Code prohibits contributions to a candidate or a candidate's committee from:
- the general treasury funds of any national or state bank or any corporation or unincorporated association, with the specific exception of political committees
- any person contributing another person's funds or on behalf of any third party