Chairman’s Message: June 3, 2022

Good morning, 
Please see the information below for upcoming LCRC events. 
EVENTS: Event: LCRC Re-Organizational Meeting Date: Thursday, June 9, 7:00pm-8:30pm Location: Lincoln Republican Club-Social Hall The LCRC re-organizational meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 9 and will be held at 7pm. The purpose of the reorganizational meeting will be to elect officers of the LCRC in accordance with the by-laws of the LCRC as stated below. Please note that the term for the officers is two years (2022-2024) and the following positions are subject to nomination: 

  1. Chairman
  2. Vice Chair
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

Event: Friends of John Schlegel-Golf Outing Date: Friday, June 10, 4:00pm-8:00pm Location: Iron Valley Golf Club Details: Click here for more information. Friends of John Schlegel have scheduled a 9-hole golf outing at Iron Valley Golf Course on Friday, June 10. The golf outing starts at 4:00pm and will be a shotgun start. Tickets are also available to attend the dinner after golf.

Event: Old Annville Day Date: Saturday, June 11, 9:00am-2:00pm Location: Annville-Main Street The LCRC has secured an exhibit booth for Old Annville Day.  All committee members and candidates are invited to represent the LCRC at the booth during the event. Please email the LCRC office and indicate if you wish to volunteer for the event and please note that we ask that volunteers sign up for 1–2-hour shifts. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Edward W. Lynch Jr. 
Lebanon County Republican Committee